Board Policy Manual / 322 Documents

GOV9.2.2 - Superintendent: Evaluation

Section G - Government



The Governing Board shall evaluate the Superintendent at least once annually.

The evaluation shall focus on the Superintendent's duties, responsibilities, and progress toward established goals.

The Superintendent shall provide each Board member with a copy of the evaluation instrument by November 10. The Board President shall schedule an executive session no later than December 18 to evaluate the Superintendent’s performance, discuss working relationships, and review the Superintendent’s contract with the Superintendent present. In the first year of the Superintendent’s contract, this evaluation will serve as a progress check rather than a comprehensive evaluation. Comprehensive evaluations will commence in November of the second year. Additional evaluations may be conducted at the Board’s discretion or upon the Superintendent’s request.

All evaluation discussions and compilations shall occur in executive session unless the Superintendent requests otherwise. Board members shall have an opportunity to discuss any item(s) in which consensus is not achieved.

A copy of any written evaluation shall be provided to the Superintendent. If the Superintendent disagrees with the evaluation, they may respond in writing to the Governing Board.

At the conclusion of the evaluation, the Board may consider adjustments to the Superintendent’s compensation, benefits, or contract term, as follows:

  • For multi-year contracts, the District may not offer an extension or renegotiate until fifteen (15) months before the contract expires.
  • For single-year contracts, by May 15, the Board shall offer a contract for the following school year unless notice of non-renewal is given by April 15. The contract may or may not be for the Superintendent position.

All evaluations and any Superintendent responses will become part of the Superintendent’s personnel file.

A.R.S. 15-503