Board Policy Manual / 322 Documents

BUS9 - Safety Program/Risk Management

Section B - Business


Environmental and Safety Program

The district is committed to ensuring the safety of all students, staff, and visitors on school property and during school-sponsored events. The Superintendent will implement procedures to safeguard individuals' health and safety and promote a culture of safety throughout the district.

  1. Safety Procedures:
    The Superintendent will establish and maintain procedures aimed at protecting the safety of all individuals on district property or at district-sponsored events. This includes collaboration with local emergency services, when necessary.

  2. Educational Safety Programs:
    Safety will be integrated into the district’s instructional programs, covering topics such as sex offender awareness, traffic and pedestrian safety, driver education, fire prevention, indoor air quality (IAQ), and emergency response procedures. These programs will be designed for different grade levels and student needs.

  3. Areas of Emphasis:
    Key focus areas for the district's safety programs include:

    • In-service staff training.
    • Accident record-keeping.
    • Regular plant and facility inspections.
    • Driver and vehicle safety programs.
    • Fire prevention measures.
    • Emergency procedures.
    • Traffic safety concerns for students, staff, and the community.

Legal References:

  • Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) 13-2911, 15-151, 15-341, 15-507, 23-403, 23-408






Environmental and Safety Program - Responsibilities

The district is committed to maintaining a safe environment for all students, staff, and visitors. Each group within the district has specific responsibilities to ensure safety protocols are followed and that buildings, grounds, and equipment are maintained in a safe condition.

  1. Responsibilities of the Maintenance Supervisor:
    The maintenance supervisor is responsible for ensuring the overall safety and operation of district facilities. Specific duties include:

    • Overseeing the district’s safety program related to the maintenance and operation of buildings and grounds.
    • Providing specialized assistance to principals as needed.
    • Coordinating with the District Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Coordinator to monitor and maintain indoor air quality.
    • Documenting the district's response to biennial reports regarding indoor air quality, as required by A.R.S. 15-2002(A)(14).
    • Scheduling regular facility inspections.
    • Implementing procedures to ensure the ongoing monitoring and maintenance of safe indoor air quality.
  2. Responsibilities of School Principals:
    Principals are responsible for ensuring compliance with safety regulations within their respective schools. Their duties include:

    • Posting required state and federal safety regulations and maintaining safety records.
    • Addressing any building defects reported by staff by coordinating with the maintenance department.
    • Assisting in correcting defects reported by the maintenance department or other administrators.
  3. Responsibilities of the Transportation Supervisor:
    The transportation supervisor is tasked with maintaining safety standards related to school transportation, including:

    • Establishing and maintaining certification standards for school bus drivers.
    • Ensuring periodic inspection and maintenance of school buses.
    • Implementing procedures for the operation and idling of school buses, including gasoline, diesel, and alternative fuel engines, to minimize air pollution.
  4. Responsibilities of Other Employees:
    District employees are responsible for contributing to a safe environment through the following actions:

    • Promptly reporting to the school principal or immediate supervisor any events or situations that may increase air pollution or any defects in buildings, grounds, or equipment that could jeopardize safety, health, or comfort.
    • Taking reasonable precautions to ensure the safe use of buildings, grounds, and equipment by students.
  5. Responsibilities of Students:
    Students are expected to avoid behaviors that could endanger themselves or others and to report potential hazards. Specifically, students should:

    • Avoid:
      • Setting off false fire alarms.
      • Misusing fire alarms, fire extinguishers, or other safety equipment.
      • Starting fires on school property.
      • Taking actions that negatively impact indoor air quality.
    • Promptly report to the principal or another appropriate school official any defects in buildings, grounds, or equipment that might compromise safety or health.
  6. Responsibilities of Other Individuals Utilizing School Buildings:
    Individuals using district facilities are expected to follow safety protocols and report any hazards. Their responsibilities include:

    • Refraining from tampering with or misusing safety equipment, such as fire extinguishers or alarm systems.
    • Reporting promptly to the Superintendent or another district official any defects in buildings, grounds, or equipment that might pose a safety risk.

Reporting of Hazards / Warning Systems (Pesticide Application Notice)

The district will provide timely notification to students, employees, and parents or guardians before any pesticide application on school grounds. This policy ensures compliance with state laws regarding pesticide application notification and safety.

  1. Pesticide Application Notification:
    In accordance with A.R.S. 15-152, the district will:

    • Provide at least 48 hours' notice before pesticide application during a regular school session to students, employees, and parents/guardians.
    • Issue oral notifications to students and staff during regular school sessions.
    • Offer written, electronic, or telephonic notification to parents or guardians at least 48 hours before the pesticide application.
  2. Applicator Requirements:
    Pest-control applicators must provide at least 72 hours' notice before applying pesticides, including the product's brand name, concentration, rate of application, and required use restrictions. In emergencies, applicators must provide oral notice to the school office and post treated areas as required by law.

  3. Posting of Notice:
    Signs will be posted at least 48 hours before pesticide application at the entrances to treated areas. These signs will include:

    • The words “Warning – Pesticides.”
    • The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency registration number.
    • The date and time of application.
    • Contact information for the applicator and the designated school representative.

Legal References:

  • Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) 3-3606, 15-152, 32-2301, 32-2311.01



Accident Reports

The district will ensure prompt and thorough reporting of accidents to prevent recurrence and to maintain adequate insurance coverage. All accidents involving district property, vehicles, staff, or students must be reported, whether or not injuries or property damage are immediately apparent.

  1. Accident Reporting:
    Reports will be filed for any accidents occurring on district property or involving district vehicles, students, or staff members on school-sponsored trips. This includes employees on authorized school business trips. Reports are required regardless of whether injuries or property damage are immediately evident.

  2. Employee Injury Reporting:
    District employees who experience job-related injuries must file a report with the district business office within five (5) days of the incident. If circumstances prevent timely reporting, an extension may be granted.

  3. Insurance Reporting:
    Injury accidents must be promptly reported to the district's liability insurance carrier, with the meaning of "promptly" defined by the district's insurance policy.

  4. Administration Procedures:
    The administration will establish procedures for filing accident reports, ensuring that reports include:

    • Information useful for preventing future accidents.
    • Details required for insurance claims.
    • Information that may be necessary in the event of litigation.

Legal References:

  • Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) 23-427