Board Policy Manual / 322 Documents

BUS9.3 - Safety Program/Risk Management: Emergency Plans

Section B - Business



The district is committed to ensuring emergency preparedness across all schools, departments, and facilities. The Superintendent will develop and maintain comprehensive emergency plans that align with state standards and coordinate with local emergency services.

  1. Development of Emergency Plans:
    The Superintendent will create and maintain emergency plans for each district school, department, and facility. These plans will be coordinated with local law enforcement, fire, medical, and hospital authorities as needed to ensure an effective response.

  2. Training:
    The Superintendent’s emergency plans will include training components for staff and students to ensure they are prepared to respond appropriately during an emergency.

  3. Confidentiality:
    Emergency response plans are confidential and exempt from public disclosure under A.R.S. 41-1803(G). The district will not release these plans in response to requests for public records.

  4. Annual Presentation to the Board:
    The Superintendent will present the emergency plans to the Governing Board annually for review and approval.

Legal References:

  • Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) 15-341, 41-1803


Weather-related and Emergency Closings

The district will ensure the safety of students and staff by closing or delaying school openings in the event of severe weather or emergencies. The Superintendent has the authority to make such decisions and will notify all necessary parties promptly.

  1. Delayed Opening:
    If the Superintendent decides to delay the opening of school, the police and local broadcast media will be notified to assist in communicating the delay. All staff members are required to report to their assigned schools to supervise students as needed.

  2. School Closing:
    If the Superintendent decides to cancel classes for the day, the police and local media will be notified to ensure timely communication to the public.

  3. Early Dismissal:
    If the decision is made to dismiss students early due to an emergency, the following procedure will be followed:

    • Students will only be released after the principal has confirmed that parents or guardians have been notified.
    • Staff will remain on-site until all students have safely departed.
    • The principal will remain at the school until all students have left.

Legal References:

  • Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) 15-341




The district is committed to maintaining the security of its property and ensuring a safe environment for students, staff, and visitors. The Superintendent will develop security plans and procedures to address property protection, fire hazards, and other security risks.

  1. Security Measures:
    The Superintendent will develop plans and procedures to:
    • Enhance the security of district property.
    • Minimize fire hazards.
    • Ensure the safe storage of records and funds.
    • Protect against vandalism, theft, and burglary.
    • Pursue prosecution of vandals when necessary.
    • Encourage employees to take responsibility for the care of district materials, equipment, and supplies assigned to them.

Legal References:

  • Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.) 13-3715