Board Policy Manual / 322 Documents

BUS13 - Food and Nutrition Management

Section B - Business



Food Services Code of Standards

All district personnel handling school food or funds must perform their duties with integrity and by sound business practices.

  1. Prohibited Conduct:

    • District officers, employees, or agents are prohibited from soliciting or accepting gratuities, favors, or anything of monetary value from contractors, potential contractors, or any parties to sub-agreements.
    • Participation in contract awards or administration by any employee with a financial or personal interest in the firm is strictly forbidden. Exceptions may be made for unsolicited gifts of nominal value, in accordance with district policies.
  2. Penalties:
    Violations will result in disciplinary action proportional to the seriousness of the infraction.

  3. Distribution and Review:
    These standards will be included in the district’s operational manual and reviewed regularly by the Superintendent or Governing Board. Copies will be distributed to all personnel responsible for handling school food, funds, or supplies.

Legal References:

  • Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.)





Food Services Program

The district’s food service program shall provide nutritious meals for all students in compliance with state and federal regulations.

  1. Meal Availability:

    • All students are eligible to eat in the school cafeteria.
    • Students may bring their lunches, and milk is available for purchase.
  2. Meal Prices:

    • The food service supervisor will set meal prices for students and adults, which will be approved by the Governing Board at the beginning of each school year.
    • Meal prices must be posted in each cafeteria.
  3. Restrictions:

    • Under federal law, no free meals will be provided to adults or district employees participating in the commodity program. All adult meals must be paid for at the time of service.
  4. Guests:
    Guests may eat in the cafeteria with approval from the food service supervisor, and the host must arrange full payment for the meal.

  5. Facility Use:

    • Outside organizations using food service facilities must obtain approval from the Superintendent and have a district staff member present during use.
  6. In-Service Training Programs:

    • The food service supervisor will develop in-service training programs for food service staff. The superintendent will review and approve these programs to ensure staff receive appropriate training to meet district and federal standards.

Legal References:

  • Arizona Revised Statutes (A.R.S.)




Collection of Money / Food Tickets

The district will implement a meal charge program that ensures students receive nutritious meals while protecting the financial integrity of the food service fund.

  1. Meal Charges:

    • Students in grades K-8 may charge up to three (3) meals.
    • Once the charge limit is reached, alternative meals will be provided.
    • Students in grades 9-12 may not charge meals.
    • No meal charges will be allowed during the last 10 days of the school year.
  2. Communication and Collection:

    • Parents and guardians will be informed in writing about the meal charge policy and the availability of free or reduced-price meals.
    • At least one written warning will be provided before additional meals are charged beyond the district’s limit.
    • The district will make reasonable efforts to collect unpaid meal charges without negatively impacting the student, focusing on collecting from parents or guardians. Uncollectible debt will be classified as “bad debt” and written off as an operating loss, using non-federal funds.

Legal References:

  • Child Nutrition Act (42 U.S.C. 1771 et seq.)