Board Policy Manual / 322 Documents

PERS2.3 - Employment Requirements and Restrictions: Conflict of Interest

Section P - Personnel



Employment of Close Relatives

No person employed by the District may be directly supervised by a close relative, defined as a father, mother, son, daughter, sister, brother, or spouse. This policy applies to full-time employment, as well as summer or part-time work.

Additionally, the dependent of a Board member, defined as a person for whom more than half of their support comes from a Board member, cannot be hired by the District except with the consent of the Board. The spouse of a Board member cannot be employed by the District.

Business Relations

Any employee who has, or whose relative has, a substantial interest in any decision made by the District must disclose this interest in the official records of the District and refrain from participating in any way in the decision-making process.

Refrain from participating means not only abstaining from the final decision but also from making recommendations, giving advice, or communicating with others involved in the decision-making process in any manner.

Vendor Relations

No District employee may accept any gift or benefit from any person, group, or entity doing business or seeking to do business with the District.

District Purchases from Employees

The District must comply with competitive purchasing rules for any acquisition of goods or services from District employees, regardless of the dollar amount involved. The District can only purchase equipment, materials, supplies, or services from its employees through an award or contract obtained via public competitive bidding [A.R.S. 38-503; A.G.O. I06-002]. This requirement applies to purchases using District funds, including extracurricular activities fees, tax credit contributions, and trust monies such as student activities funds when a District employee acts as the vendor. Oral and written quotations do not meet the public competitive bidding requirement.

Conflict of Interest Disclosure

Pursuant to A.R.S. §§ 38-501 to 511:

  1. Employees must file a Conflict of Interest Disclosure within five (5) calendar days after commencing work and at least annually thereafter, either identifying any conflict the employee or the employee's relative has or stating that the employee or the employee’s relative has no conflict.
  2. All Conflict of Interest Disclosures shall be kept on file.
  3. It is the employee’s responsibility to update and submit the form to both the District Legal and Human Resources Departments within fifteen (15) calendar days of any new conflict arising after the date of the most recent Disclosure.

Employee Training and Acknowledgement of Understanding

The Governing Board may require annual employee training to ensure that conflict of interest policies are communicated effectively and understood by all employees. Each employee is required to complete and sign a conflict of interest form as determined by the District.

The District will investigate allegations of inadequate disclosure of substantial interests or inappropriate participation when a substantial interest is involved.

Legal References






Outside Employment or Self-Employment

A regular, full-time employee's position with the District shall take precedence over any outside employment or self-employment activities. Employees are allowed to engage in outside work or self-employment, provided that no District facilities, equipment, or resources are used—unless explicitly allowed by policy—and that such activities do not interfere with the employee's ability to perform their District-assigned duties.

Concerns Regarding Outside Employment

The District is concerned about outside employment or self-employment by staff members if it:

A. Prevents the employee from effectively fulfilling their assigned responsibilities; B. Negatively impacts the employee's effectiveness in their position or compromises the integrity of the District; C. Presents a conflict of interest, such as when the employee's position within the District grants access to information or resources that could benefit an outside employer.


An employee may not engage in any activities related to outside employment or self-employment during regular District working hours or during any additional time needed to complete their responsibilities within the District. Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary actions, including reprimand, suspension, or termination.

Legal References