Board Policy Manual / 322 Documents

PERS5.8 - Reduction in Force: Professional Staff

Section P - Personnel





Reduction  in  Force

The Governing Board may eliminate teachers in the District in order to effectuate economies in the operation of the District or to improve the efficient conduct and administration of the schools of the District.  The number and type of certificated staff positions required to implement the District's educational program will be determined by the Board after recommendation from the Superintendent.  In the event the Board decides to release certificated staff members, the following guidelines will be in effect:

The Board will follow the guidelines below when implementing a reduction in force:

A.  Normal attrition will be relied upon as the first means of reducing the number of positions.

B.  If attrition does not accomplish the required reduction in staff, the Superintendent shall submit to the Board recommendations for the termination of specific staff members.  Factors to be considered in recommending the release of specific teachers shall include the following:

1.  Staffing needs to continue educational programs at the highest possible level of effectiveness.

2.  Application of the Reduction in Force Rubric:

a.  Job performance, competency and effectiveness, as recorded in the teacher's most recent summative evaluation.

b.  Overall fit to the site, as assessed by the Productive Culture Rubric. 

c.  Compliance with District policies and mandates.

d.  Highly qualified status, certification, multiple grade level/subject area teaching experience, including experience at other comparable educational institutions or in other comparable programs, education and other qualifications, including federal and state requirements that are needed to accomplish the District's educational programs and mission

C.  The Superintendent shall develop regulations and procedures for applying the areas of assessment to the reduction in force process.

Employment retention priority for teachers shall not be based upon tenure or seniority.

Teachers to be released shall be notified as soon as practical.

Appeal  of  Reduction  in
Force  Rubric  Score

A teacher who disagrees with his or her Reduction in Force Rubric score may, within five (5) working days after receipt of the score, submit a written appeal to the principal or supervisor.  The appeal must explain what specifically the teacher disagrees with on the rubric and the reasons why.  The principal or supervisor will meet with the teacher within five (5) working days after receiving the appeal to review the teacher's concerns.  Based upon the presented information, the principal or supervisor shall revise the rubric score or make no changes.  The principal or supervisor will provide the teacher with a written response within five (5) working days of the meeting, explaining the reasons for the decision.

If the employee is dissatisfied with the decision of the principal or supervisor, the employee may, within five (5) working days after receiving the written response, submit a written appeal to the Superintendent.  The Superintendent shall review the appeal and respond to the employee within ten (10) working days of receipt of the appeal.

Reduction  in  Salary

The District shall give written notice of a general salary reduction to each certificated teacher affected.  This notice provision does not apply to reductions in salary from monies from the classroom site fund pursuant to A.R.S. 15-977.

Rehiring  of  Teachers  Who  are  Terminated
Due  to  Reduction  in  Force

There shall be no recall rights for teachers who are terminated due to reduction in force; however, such teachers may participate in a streamlined reduction in force rehiring process, which shall be administered by the Human Resources Department.  If rehired within one (1) year of termination due to reduction in force, the teacher's years of service and salary status shall be honored; however, the salary shall reflect any salary reduction should a reduction be imposed upon other certificated teachers.

