Board Policy Manual / 322 Documents

PERS6 - Employee Rights and Privileges: Freedom of Association

Section P - Personnel



The Board recognizes the right of its employees, as citizens, to engage in political activity.  However, school time, personnel, equipment, supplies, materials, buildings, or other resources may not be used to influence the outcomes of elections.

A staff member, a person acting on behalf of the District or a person who aids another person acting on behalf of the District shall be guided by the following:

A.  No employee while on duty shall engage in political activities upon property under the jurisdiction of the Board.  Employees in their individual capacities may exercise their political liberties on property leased from the school for that purpose. 

B.  The prohibition on the use of public resources to influence the outcome of bond, budget override and other tax-related elections includes the use of School District-focused promotional expenditures that occur after an election is called and through election day.  This prohibition does not include routine School District communications which are messages or advertisements that are germane to the functions of the School District and that maintain frequency, scope and distribution consistent with past practices or are necessary for public safety.

C.  Campaigning and other election activities must be done in off-duty hours, when not working in an official capacity or representing the District, and without the participation of District employees or students acting in the capacity of District or school representatives.

D.  Invitations to participate in election activities on a given campus, except when extended by groups leasing or using school facilities, shall be permitted only when such invitations are to all candidates for the office.  The rental use of District property by a private person or entity that may lawfully attempt to influence the outcome of an election is permitted if it does not occur at the same time and place as a related District-sponsored forum or debate.

E.  Political circulars or petitions may not be posted or distributed in school.

F.  The collection of campaign funds and/or the solicitation of campaign workers is prohibited on school property.

G.  Students may not be given written materials to influence the outcome of an election or to advocate support for or opposition to pending or proposed legislation.

H.  Students may not be involved in writing, addressing or distribution of material intended to influence the outcome of an election or to advocate support for or opposition to pending or proposed legislation.

Employees of the District may not use the authority of their position to influence the vote or political activities of any subordinate employee.

District employees who hold elective or appointive office are not entitled to time off from their school duties for reasons incident to such offices, except as such time may qualify under the leave policies of the Board.

The discussion and study of politics and political issues, when such discussion and study are appropriate to classroom studies, are not precluded under the provisions of this policy.

District employees shall be permitted time as provided in statute, if required, to vote in the primary or general election.

Nothing in this policy shall preclude the District from producing and distributing impartial information on elections other than District budget override elections or reporting on official actions of the Governing Board.

The District shall not make expenditures for literature associated with a campaign conducted by or for a District official.





(Dues-Paying Employee Organizations)


Employees shall not use regular duty time for the purpose of conducting employee organization business.

Employee organizations may use school facilities before or after the school day subject to the provisions of the District rental policy applied to all private organizations.  The organization shall pay for replacement of any school property damaged or destroyed by its members.

An employee organization bulletin Board will be accessible to all employees.

For the purpose of this policy, the term "employee organization" means an association comprised of current District employees, membership in which is voluntary and requires the payment of annual dues, which exists in whole or in part to advocate for members regarding employment-related issues.

Employee organizations may participate in the decision-making process involving policy revisions/changes and District committees as provided for in Policy.

The District recognizes the right of employees to participate in employee organizations and acknowledges that membership and participation in employee organizations is a matter of individual choice.  The District shall not require, encourage, discourage, nor prohibit membership/participation in employee organizations.

As employees of the District, members of employee organizations are expected to adhere to all District policies and regulations and to support and promote the District's vision, mission, and values.

