Board Policy Manual / 322 Documents

PERS7 - Employee Standards of Conduct

Section P - Personnel


(Statement of Ethics for School Employees)

All employees of the District are expected to maintain high standards in their school relationships.  These standards must be idealistic and at the same time practical, so that they can apply reasonably to all staff members.  The employees acknowledge that the schools belong to the public they serve for the purpose of providing educational opportunities to all.  However, every employee assumes responsibility for providing leadership in the school and community.  This responsibility requires the employee to maintain standards of exemplary conduct.  It must be recognized that the employee's actions will be viewed and appraised by the community, associates, and students.  To these ends, the Board adopts the following statements of standards to be included (with any further elaborations) within the Employee Handbook.

The school employee:

A.  Makes the well-being of students the fundamental value of all decision making and actions.

B.  Maintains just, courteous, and proper relationships with students, parents, staff members, and others.

C.  Strives for the maintenance of efficiency and knowledge of developments in the employee's field of work.

D.  Fulfills job responsibilities with honesty and integrity.

E.  Directs any criticism of other staff members or of any department of the school system toward improving the District.  Such constructive criticism is to be made directly to the school administrator who has the responsibility for improving the situation.

F.  Supports the principle of due process and protects the civil and human rights of all individuals.

G.  Obeys local, state, and national laws and does not knowingly join or support organizations that advocate, directly or indirectly, the overthrow of the government.

H.  Implements the Governing Board's policies and administrative rules and regulations.

I.   Refrains from using school contacts and privileges to promote political or sectarian religious views or personal agenda of any kind.

J.  Pursues appropriate measures to correct any laws, policies, or regulations that are not consistent with sound educational goals.

K.  Avoids using position for personal gain through political, social, religious, economic, or other influence.

L.  Maintains the standards and seeks to improve the effectiveness of the profession through research and continuing professional development.

M. Stresses the proper use and protection of all school properties, equipment, and materials.

N.  Honors all contracts until fulfillment or release.

In the performance of duties, employees shall keep in confidence such information as they may secure unless disclosure serves District purposes or is required by law.




No employee, while on or using school property, otherwise acting as an agent, or working in an official capacity for the District shall engage in:

A.  Physical or verbal abuse of, or threat of harm to, anyone.

B.  Causing damage, or threat of damage, to property of the District or property of a member of the community or a visitor to the school when the property is located on premises controlled by the District.

C.  Forceful or unauthorized entry to or occupation of District facilities, including buildings and grounds.

D.  Use, possession, distribution, or sale of alcohol or of drugs or other illegal substances.

E.  Use of profane or abusive language, symbols, or conduct.

F.  Failure to comply with lawful direction of District officials, security officers, or any other law-enforcement officer, or failure to identify oneself to such officials or officers when lawfully requested to do so.

G.  The carrying or possession of a weapon on school grounds without authorization from the appropriate school administrator.

H.  A violation of District policies and regulations.

I.  Any conduct violating federal, state, or applicable municipal law or regulation.

J.  Any other conduct that may obstruct, disrupt, or interfere with teaching, research, service, administrative, or disciplinary functions of the District, or any other activity sponsored or approved by the Board.

K.  The use of District resources, as defined in A.R.S. 15-511 and District Policy GBI, Staff Participation in Political Activities, to influence the outcome of an election.

In addition to the foregoing, all staff members are expected to:

A.  Thoroughly acquaint themselves with the rules, regulations, and other information applicable to them contained within the policies of the Board.

B.  Conduct themselves in a manner consistent with effective and orderly education and to protect the students and the District property.

C.  Maintain order in a manner consistent with District policies and regulations.

D.  Comply promptly with all orders of the Superintendent and the administrator who is their immediate supervisor.

E.  Dress and maintain a general appearance that reflects their position and does not detract from the educational program of the school.

F.  Comply with the requirement of A.R.S. 15-153 and 15-515 by immediately reporting to the Superintendent or the administrator who is their immediate supervisor:

1.  A violation of A.R.S. 13-3102 [possession of a deadly weapon on school grounds].

2.  A violation of A.R.S. 13-3111 [possession of a firearm by a minor without authorization (in Maricopa and Pima Counties and where otherwise adopted by local ordinance)].

3.  A violation of A.R.S. 13-3411 [possession, use, or intent to sell marijuana, peyote, or dangerous or narcotic drugs, or intent to sell prescription-only drugs in a drug-free school zone (i.e., school grounds and the area within three hundred [300] feet and public property within one thousand [1,000] feet of school grounds, the area at a school bus stop, and a school bus)].

Any administrator receiving a report of a violation of A.R.S. 13-310213-3111, or 13-3411 shall immediately report such violation to a peace officer in compliance with A.R.S. 15-153 and 15-515.

Employees of the District who violate these rules are subject to disciplinary action.




Employees are expected to exercise general supervision over the conduct of students, not only while in the schoolroom, but also before and after school and during recess.  At all times teachers and other staff members will accord students the dignity and respect that they deserve, and avoid embarrassing any student unnecessarily.

Students are expected to regard all school employees as individuals who are employed to provide direct or indirect contributions to learning.  While students are to have considerable latitude in making choices for themselves, they shall be required to respect the rights of all school employees and other students, and interference with those rights will not be tolerated.

Students shall not have the right to interfere with the efforts of instructional staff members to coordinate or assist in learning, to disseminate information for purposes of learning, or to otherwise implement a learning program.  Nor shall a student have the right to interfere with the motivation to learn or the learning activities and efforts of other students.  No student shall have the right to interfere with or disrupt any employee's work activities.

All personnel employed by the District are expected to relate to students of the District in a manner that maintains social and moral patterns of behavior consistent with community standards and acceptable professional conduct.

Relationships between staff members and students that include "dating," "courtship," or "romantic involvement" are prohibited.  These behaviors deviate from ethical or professional standards and shall be deemed unacceptable and contrary to the expectations of District governance.

Staff/student relationships shall reflect mutual respect between staff members and students and shall support the dignity of the entire profession and educational process.

Violations of the above shall be considered serious and may result in severe disciplinary action.







Employee  Drug  Use  or  Abuse


The nonmedical use, abuse, or possession of drugs and/or use or possession of alcohol is forbidden on District property or at District-sponsored activities.  Employees determined to be in possession of, using, or abusing drugs or alcohol shall be reported immediately to the employee's principal or supervisor.  The Superintendent shall be notified immediately.

The Superintendent shall conduct an investigation in consultation with legal counsel as necessary.  Employees that violate this policy may be disciplined up to and including termination.  If the investigation shows sufficient evidence to suggest that the employee was involved with distribution or otherwise in violation of the law, law enforcement authorities shall be notified.

Medical  Marijuana

The District recognizes Arizona's medical marijuana law and shall not discriminate against a person in hiring, termination or imposition of any term or condition of employment or otherwise penalize a person on the basis of the person's status as an eligible medical marijuana cardholder, or as a registered qualifying patient, having a positive drug test for marijuana components or metabolites, unless the person used, possessed or was impaired by marijuana on District property, at a District event, or during the hours of the person's regular or extended hours of employment, or as prescribed by law.


13-3401 et seq.
36-2801 et seq.
41 U.S.C. 702, 
34 C.F.R. Part 85




Every teacher shall:

A.  Make student learning the primary focus of the teacher's professional time.

B.  Hold students to strict account for disorderly conduct.

C.  Exercise supervision over students on the playgrounds and during recess if assigned to such duty.

D.  Take and maintain daily classroom attendance.

E.  Make the decision to promote or retain a student in grade in a common school or to pass or fail a student in a course in high school.  Such decisions may be overturned only as provided in A.R.S. 15-342.

F.  Comply with all rules, regulations, and policies of the Governing Board that relate to the duties as prescribed.

A teacher shall not use sectarian or denominational books or teach any sectarian doctrines or conduct religious exercises.

A teacher who instructs a course offered under Policy IHAL, Teaching About Religion, in its appropriate historical context and in good faith shall be immune from civil liability and disciplinary action pursuant to section A.R.S. 15-535.

A teacher who fails to comply with the above is guilty of unprofessional conduct and may be subject to disciplinary action by the Governing Board and by the State Board of Education.

A teacher who is arrested for or charged with any nonappealable offense listed in section 41-1758.03, subsection B and who does not immediately report the arrest or charge to the teacher's supervisor is guilty of unprofessional conduct and shall be immediately dismissed from employment with the School District.

