STDNT5.1.3 - Wellness and Health Services: Communicable Diseases
Section S - Student
Any student with, or recovering from, a communicable disease will not be permitted in school until the period of contagion is passed or until a physician recommends a return, in accordance with A.R.S. 36-621 et seq., appropriate regulations of the State Department of Health Services, and policies of the County Health Department.
Parents will be requested to provide a history of communicable diseases for each student, and the district will keep and maintain such records.
A student suffering from a communicable disease shall be excluded from school to protect the student's own welfare and also to protect other students from illness. Early recognition of a communicable disease is of prime importance. The administrator or county health director shall make the decision for exclusion and readmission.
The District or charter school may require that a mask or face covering be worn by a person under eighteen (18) years of age only with the express consent of the person's parent or guardian.
Students with pediculosis shall be excluded from school until treated with a pediculicide.