Board Policy Manual / 322 Documents

STDNT9.5 - Student Rights and Responsibilities: Investigations, Searches and Interviews

Section S - Student





School officials may question students regarding matters incident to school without limitation.  The parent will be contacted if a student interviewed is then subject to discipline for a serious offense.  A student may decline at any time to be interviewed by the School Resource Officer (SRO) or another peace officer. 

Abuse alleged: If a child protective services worker or peace officer enters the campus requesting to interview a student attending the school, the school administrator shall be notified.  Access to the interview shall be granted when the child to be interviewed is the subject of or is the sibling of or is living with the child who is the subject of an abuse or abandonment investigation.  The personnel of the District shall cooperate with the investigating child protective services worker or peace officer.  If a student is taken into temporary custody in accordance with A.R.S. 8-821, the child protective services worker or peace officer may be reminded to notify the student's parent of the custody, pursuant to A.R.S. 8-823.  The child protective services worker or peace officer shall be requested to establish proper identification. Six (6) hours following the relinquishment of custody by the school, school personnel may respond to inquiries about the temporary custody of the child and may, if considered necessary, call the parent. 

No abuse allegations and no issue of student population safety is presented: If a peace officer enters the campus requesting to interview a student attending the school on an issue other than upon request of the school or for abuse or abandonment, the school administrator shall be notified.  If the officer directs that parents are not to be contacted because the interview is related to the criminal activity of the parent(s)/guardian, the school official shall comply with the request.  Unless these circumstances exist the parent will be contacted and will be asked if they wish the student to be interviewed.  If the parent consents, the parent will be requested to be present or to authorize the interview in their absence within the school day of the request.  Where an attempt was made, and the parent(s) could not be reached or did not consent within the school day of the request, the peace officer will then be requested to contact the parent(s) and make arrangements to question the student at another time and place. 

Staff members are to report any suspected crime against a person or property that is a serious offense, involves a deadly weapon or dangerous instrument or that could pose a threat of death or serious injury and any conduct that poses a threat of death or serious physical injury to employees, students or others on school property.  All such reports shall be documented and communicated to the Superintendent, who shall be responsible for reporting to local law enforcement.  The District is to notify the parent or guardian of each student who is involved in a suspected crime or any conduct that is described above, subject to the requirements of federal law.


School officials have the right to search and seize property, including school property temporarily assigned to students when there is reason to believe that some material or matter detrimental to the health, safety, and welfare of the student(s) exists.  Disrobing of a student is overly intrusive for purposes of most student searches and is improper without express concurrence from School District counsel.

Items provided by the District for storage (e.g., lockers, desks) or personal items are provided as a convenience to the student but remain the property of the school and are subject to its control and supervision.  Students have no reasonable expectancy of privacy, and lockers, desks, storage areas, et cetera, may be inspected at any time, with or without reason, or with or without notice, by school personnel.


When a peace officer enters a campus providing a warrant or subpoena or expressing an intent to take a student into custody, the office staff shall request the peace officer establish proper identification. The school staff shall cooperate with the officer in locating the child within the school.  School officials may respond to parental inquiries about the arrest or may, if necessary, explain the relinquishment of custody by the school and the location of the student, if known, upon contact by the parent.
