Board Policy Manual / 322 Documents

STDNT10.1 - Student Discipline: Removal of Student

Section S - Student




The principal of a school may remove a student from a school-sponsored activity if the principal determines that the student has violated a provision of the student discipline policies, rules, and/or regulations or if the principal determines that such removal is in the best interest of the activity or in the best interest of the school as a whole.

The principal also may remove a student from a specific position, such as officer, editor, or captain of an activity, without removing the student from the entire activity.

The principal may remove a student pursuant to the preceding two (2) paragraphs, whether or not the student has been elected, appointed, or assigned to, or has volunteered for, the activity.

Before removing a student from an activity or position because of a student's violation of the student discipline policies, rules, and/or regulations, the principal must comply with the notice-and-hearing provisions of those policies, rules, and/or regulations.

Before removing a student from an activity or position for reasons other than a student's violation of the student discipline policies and/or regulations, the principal shall give written notice to the student.  The notice shall include the reason or reasons for the removal and the date that the removal is to become effective.  If the student disagrees with the principal's determination, the student may, within five (5) school days, request in writing a conference with the principal.  The conference shall be held as soon as practicable after the principal receives the written request.  At the conference, the student shall be given a full explanation of the reason or reasons for the action taken.  The student shall be given an opportunity to present an explanation of the events relating to the action.

If, after the conference, the principal determines that the decision to remove the student from the activity or position is correct, the removal shall become effective on the date indicated in the principal's notice.  If, after the conference, the principal determines that action of a less severe nature than removal is warranted, the principal may impose the less severe action.  If, after the conference, the principal determines that neither removal nor less severe action is warranted, the prior decision to remove the student shall be rescinded.

Activity is defined as:

A.  Any school-sponsored athletic activity; or

B.  Any school-sponsored club; or

C.  Any school-sponsored organization such as yearbook, newspaper, student government, drama, music, honor society, or any other organization or class of a similar nature.

An activity includes activities as defined above, whether or not a student is receiving or may receive academic credit for the activity.

20 U.S.C. 1400 et seq., Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
29 U.S.C. 794 Rehabilitation Act of 1973, (Section 504)