Board Policy Manual / 322 Documents

CMTY2.1.1 - Access to Public Information: Requests for Information

Section c - Community




All persons requesting to inspect and/or copy public records must attest that the request is not made for a commercial purpose. If the request is for a commercial purpose, the requester must provide a verified statement detailing the commercial purpose for which the materials will be used.

This declaration will be made on an official form provided by the District for requesting public records.

The Superintendent shall permit access to, or provide copies of, the requested records promptly after receiving the request. If there is a delay, the Superintendent must provide an explanation and notify the requester when the records will be available.

Access and inspection apply only to existing records and do not require the creation of new documents. Public inspection of records may be denied by the Superintendent if:

  1. The record is made confidential by statute.
  2. The record involves the privacy interests of individuals.
  3. Disclosure would be detrimental to the District's best interests.

If part of a public record is not subject to disclosure, the District will redact the non-disclosable information and provide the remainder to the requester.

Records stored on a computer will only be provided in a format accessible using existing software programs.

A fee will be charged for copying records, which must be paid before the materials are released. Fees will be as follows:

A. Ten cents (10¢) per copy for Board minutes, agendas, financial records, contracts, courses of study, or statistical summaries. B. Thirty-five cents (35¢) per copy for other materials. C. Actual cost, if available, will be assessed. D. Free copies will be furnished for claims against the United States.

Commercial Purpose

If records are requested for a commercial purpose, the requester must submit a statement explaining the commercial use. The Superintendent may provide the records, charging for:

A. A portion of the cost incurred by the District to obtain the original or copies. B. A reasonable fee for time, materials, equipment, and personnel used in reproduction. C. The value of the records in the commercial market as determined by the Superintendent.

If the Superintendent believes the commercial use is a misuse or abuse of the right to public records, they may request the Governor issue an executive order prohibiting the release of the records. If no executive order is issued within 30 days of the request, the Superintendent will provide the records upon payment.

The Superintendent shall inform the Board when records are requested for commercial purposes.