Board Policy Manual / 322 Documents

GOV1.6 - Board Members: Ethics

Section G - Government



Objective: Board members hold a vital role in fostering a positive and productive educational environment. To uphold the highest standards of integrity and service, the Board adopts the following principles:

  1. Attendance and Preparation: Board members will make every effort to attend all scheduled meetings and come prepared, having reviewed all relevant materials and issues.

  2. Decision-Making: Board members shall participate in discussions and decisions during publicly held meetings. Each decision will be made independently, with careful consideration of available information, and without undue influence from outside groups.

  3. Expression and Communication: Board members shall encourage open discussion and free expression of ideas among Board members, students, staff, and the community. Fostering clear and consistent communication is a priority.

  4. Policy Development: Working collaboratively, Board members will create policies that promote a high standard of education and delegate administrative responsibilities to the Superintendent for proper execution.

  5. Community Representation: Feedback from the public on Board policies and school initiatives will be shared constructively with fellow Board members and the Superintendent.

  6. Continuous Learning: Board members will stay informed on educational trends and issues by participating in training, workshops, and other professional development opportunities.

  7. Employment Practices: The Board will support the hiring of qualified individuals and ensure that staff evaluations are conducted regularly and fairly.

  8. Conflict of Interest: Board members will avoid conflicts of interest and will not use their position for personal or partisan gain.

  9. Confidentiality: Board members will respect the confidentiality of privileged information and will refrain from taking any private actions that may compromise the integrity of the Board or the school administration.

  10. Student-Centered Focus: Above all, Board members will prioritize the educational welfare and success of all students in the District.