Board Policy Manual / 322 Documents

GOV2 - Officers and Officials: Duties and Requirements of Board Officers

Section G - Government





The Governing Board must meet in January following the election for the purpose of organizing. This meeting will be held at the most convenient public facility within the District. If a suitable public facility is unavailable within the District, the Board may convene at any accessible public facility convenient to all Board members, regardless of county or district boundaries.

The meeting shall be initiated by the outgoing Board President. If the former President is no longer serving as a Board member, a temporary President will be elected to commence the meeting and preside until a new President is elected.

Upon election, the newly chosen President will immediately assume office.

In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Board will elect a new officer to serve the remainder of the term. Additionally, the Board may choose to elect a new President at any time for any reason, ensuring compliance with the Open Meeting Law and other applicable procedures.


A.R.S. 15-321
A.R.S. 38-431 et seq.





The President of the Board shall have the following duties:

A. Preside over all Board meetings and conduct them in accordance with Arizona law and District policies.

B. Collaborate with the Superintendent and, on behalf of the entire Governing Board, approve items to be placed on the meeting agenda.

C. Consult with other Board members on proposed agenda items.

D. Encourage orderly and democratic participation during meetings.

E. Ensure discussions remain factual and focused on the topic at hand.

F. Facilitate thorough exploration of each agenda item.

In the absence of the President, the Vice-President shall temporarily assume the duties of the President and perform all necessary functions.

If both the President and Vice-President are absent, the remaining three (3) Board members shall elect a temporary President for that meeting. The meeting minutes will reflect the election of this temporary officer.


The Vice-President, or the President in their absence, or another designee of the Board, will be responsible for reviewing all expense vouchers before the Board meeting where action is scheduled, and for signing any documents or papers required by the Board or by law.


A.R.S. 15-321




The President of the Board is tasked with ensuring the orderly conduct of each meeting. This includes ruling on matters such as:

  • The time allocated for public discussion,
  • The appropriateness of the subject being presented, and
  • The suitability of the timing for such presentations.

All rulings made by the President are subject to review by the Board at a subsequent meeting, provided the matter has been properly noticed and included on the agenda.


A.R.S. 15-321