Board Policy Manual / 322 Documents

GOV3 - Board Organization: Internal and Advisory Committees

Section G - Government



The work of the Board is generally conducted by the full Board sitting as a committee of the whole. The Board shall not create any standing or permanent committees composed solely of its members. Should a temporary committee be formed, it will serve for a limited duration, only as long as necessary to fulfill its specific purpose. All recommendations from such committees are advisory in nature and are subject to full Board review.

A.R.S. 38-431



The Board may, through a majority vote, create ad hoc committees as necessary. Recommendations made by these committees are advisory and non-binding on the Board. The purpose of such committees is to present well-researched recommendations for Board consideration. Upon the completion of their specific assignment, these committees will be automatically dissolved.

The Governing Board President will develop specific guidelines for each committee. These guidelines, approved by the Board before the committee’s first meeting, will include the following:

A. A clear, written statement outlining the purpose of the committee.
B. Deadlines for interim and final reports.
C. The termination date or event for the committee.
D. The extent of resources, including facilities, supplies, equipment, and clerical support, to be provided.

The Superintendent will ensure that the following actions are taken for each committee established by the Board:

A. All committee members will be briefed on the Arizona Open Meeting Law (A.R.S. 38-431) and how it applies to Board committees.
B. Notices and agendas of all committee meetings will be properly posted.
C. Meetings will be open to the public.
D. Minutes will be taken and made available for public inspection within three (3) working days of the meeting.

Both a Board representative and the Superintendent will serve as ex-officio members on all advisory committees.

A.R.S. 38-431 et seq.



(Interest-Based Negotiation Team)

The Governing Board acknowledges the importance of working collaboratively with parents, staff, and community members to establish fair, equitable, and productive personnel policies, including employee compensation and benefits. To support this effort, the Board will create an Interest-Based Negotiation Team, which will include representatives from parents, employees, community members, and Board members. The responsibilities of the Interest-Based Negotiation Team will include the following:

  • Presenting recommendations to the Governing Board regarding:

    • Employee compensation and benefits.
    • Personnel policies and necessary policy changes.
  • Considering employee concerns related to personnel policies and working with the Superintendent to define appropriate actions.

  • Preparing budget proposals related to:

    • Employee compensation adjustments.
    • Employee benefits (excluding workers' compensation and liability insurance).
    • Substitute compensation rates.
  • Conducting any additional activities as deemed necessary by the Superintendent or the Governing Board.

The Interest-Based Negotiation Team will establish general operating procedures and processes to address its responsibilities. In cases where procedures for selecting parent and community representatives are not yet codified, the Board will implement selection procedures to ensure adequate representation from these groups.

A.R.S. 15-341
A.R.S. 15-343