Board Policy Manual / 322 Documents

GOV6 - Board Meetings: Public Participation

Section G - Government



All regular and special meetings of the Governing Board shall be open to the public.

The Governing Board welcomes input from citizens throughout the District and considers their responsible participation essential to the effective operation of the District. However, the Board also has a duty to ensure its business is conducted efficiently and in an orderly manner. To facilitate public participation while maintaining control over the meeting, the following procedures are established:

A. Any individual wishing to address the Board shall complete a form (Request to Address Board) and submit it to the Superintendent before the start of the Board meeting.

B. The Board President will recognize speakers, ensure order, and enforce any time limits set. Questions that require further investigation will be referred to the Superintendent, who will report back to the Board at a later time. Questions or comments on matters currently under legal review will not receive a response.

C. The President may impose time limits on the comment period to ensure efficient conduct of the meeting. Individual speakers may also be subject to a time limit to allow as many participants as possible to address the Board.

D. Personal attacks on Board members, staff, or others in attendance or absent are discouraged. Speakers may be referred to the appropriate policies for conflict resolution. After the public comment period, Board members may respond to any criticisms made by individuals who addressed the Board.

The Superintendent will ensure that a copy of this policy is posted at the entrance to the Board meeting room, and that sufficient Request to Address Board forms are available for public use.

A.R.S. 38-431.01