Board Policy Manual / 322 Documents

GOV7 - Board Policies

Section G - Government



The Governing Board intends to adopt policies that serve as clear guidelines for its own operations and for the efficient and effective functioning of the District.

Adopting policies is one of the Board’s primary responsibilities. Suggestions for policy content may come from Board members, the Superintendent, staff members, parents, students, consultants, civic groups, or any resident of the District. A systematic and thoughtful process will be followed in evaluating such proposals, which shall be referred to the administration for detailed study before recommendations are provided to the Board.

All Board policies are designed and interpreted in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

As needs, conditions, and objectives evolve, the Board may need to revise, delete, or add to its policies. The District welcomes and encourages ongoing suggestions for policy review and improvement.

A.R.S. 15-321
A.R.S. 15-341



The adoption of new policies, or the revision or repeal of existing policies, is the sole responsibility of the Governing Board. To ensure that all policy proposals are fully studied before final action, the Board will adhere to the following procedure:

A. First Meeting – The policy proposal shall be presented for initial review.

B. Second Meeting – The policy proposal shall be presented for discussion and final action.

During the discussion phase, feedback from the public, staff members, and the Board may result in changes to the proposed policy. Such changes do not necessitate an additional review unless the Board determines that the revisions require further study and review.

Policies may be adopted or amended at a single meeting in cases of a Board-declared emergency.

A.R.S. 15-341




In an effort to keep written policies up to date and ensure they serve as a consistent basis for Board action and administrative decision-making, the Board authorizes the Superintendent to seek consulting assistance from appropriate sources. Consulting services may be used to assess the functioning of the District, based on input from school staff, students, and the community, to provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of the Board’s adopted policies.

The Superintendent is responsible for identifying and bringing to the Board's attention any policies that are outdated or in need of revision, ensuring the District's policies remain relevant and effective.

A.R.S. 15-341





The Superintendent shall develop procedures to ensure that employees, patrons, and Board members have access to a current policy manual containing the policies and administrative regulations of the District.

The manual is intended both as a tool for District management and as a source of information for patrons, staff members, and others regarding District operations. To that end, each Board member and administrator shall have ready access to a copy of the manual. Additionally, copies of the manual shall be available at locations designated by the Superintendent for use by staff members, students, and patrons.

Each administrative regulation shall be designated as such and included in the manual on a separate sheet accompanying the associated policy.

All policy manuals shall remain the property of the District and shall be subject to recall at any time.

The Board's policy manual shall be considered a public record and shall be open for inspection during regular business hours at the District administration office and other locations designated by the Superintendent.

The master copy of the manual will be securely maintained in the Superintendent's office, and this copy shall be used to resolve any discrepancies in language existing in other copies.

A.R.S. 15-341




The operation of any section or sections of Board policies, not established and required by law or vested by contract, may be temporarily or permanently suspended by a majority vote of Board members present at a regular or special meeting. An action under this policy does not require the two (2) presentations indicated in (Policy Adoption) to reinstate a suspended policy.

A.R.S. 15-321