Board Policy Manual / 322 Documents

INST5.2 - Instructional Resources: Library Materials

Section I - Instruction



The Superintendent shall annually recommend an expenditure level to the Governing Board for the purchase of library books, materials, and electronic media. These purchases shall be approved by the Superintendent and selected based on the following criteria:

  • A. Enrich and support the curriculum, taking into account the varied interests, abilities, and maturity levels of the students.
  • B. Stimulate intellectual growth, appreciation of literature, aesthetic values, and the development of ethical standards.
  • C. Provide a broad base of information to assist students in making well-informed decisions in their daily lives.
  • D. Represent diverse religious, ethnic, and cultural groups, and their contributions to our shared heritage.
  • E. Ensure a comprehensive and balanced collection that is suitable for the users of the library.
  • F. Offer up-to-date, balanced resources that include books, reference materials, periodicals, and audiovisual materials, depicting the cultural diversity and pluralistic nature of American society accurately.

The Superintendent is authorized to establish a professional library to serve the staff members of the District.

Public Review Period for Books and Materials Purchased After January 1, 2023

As required by Arizona law, books and materials purchased after January 1, 2023, must undergo a public review period. The Superintendent will develop procedures to make these materials available for public review, as detailed in Regulation IJL-R.

The Superintendent shall also develop procedures for the removal of the following categories of library books and materials:

  • A. Damaged or worn-out materials.
  • B. Materials containing outdated information.
  • C. Items that no longer align with the educational goals of the District.
  • D. Items that have seen infrequent use and no longer justify occupying library space.

Parents may access the school’s library collection of available books and materials by following the procedures established by the campus principal.

Definition of "Parent": For the purpose of this policy, a "parent" is defined as the natural or adoptive parent or legal guardian of a minor child. The Superintendent will ensure that only parents, as defined, are granted access to the library information specified above.

Exemptions from this Policy:

  • A. Schools without a full-time library media specialist or an equivalent position.
  • B. School District libraries that have agreements with county libraries, municipal libraries, or other entities as outlined in A.R.S. 15-362, subsection D.


15-189.07 (applies to charters)